
Diction and Accent Reduction Coaching
My students are professionals — CEOs, doctors, professors, accountants, software engineers and entertainers — representing such companies as Paypal, AT&T, University of California and Hewlett-Packard. All speak English fluently, have impressive resumes and work for American corporations, schools and hospitals that require that they teach, give presentations, lead teams of workers, or do product pitches.
Their concern is that they are being judged on the sound of their voices rather than the quality of their work or their ideas. They want to be absolutely sure that everything they say is being understood — that their message is getting across.
As a veteran actor who has taken years of lessons to reduce her own regional dialect, Debra thoroughly understands what is at stake here. She can evaluate your needs and put together a program to improve pronunciation, intonation and voice quality.
All classes are done via Skype. You can study at a time and place that is most convenient for you.
Contact Debra here for more information.